The 3 Common Types:
When is it serious? - the first two types can be managed on your own and usually resolve in a couple of weeks. Disc pain should always be checked out by a doctor, as should any pain that is not improving after 7 days.
Pain Point Release Tutorial -
(Low Back/Sacral Pain)
Once you have your Trigger Point Tool, follow the video below and watch the specific points released for each of the types of back pain. Also note the Kinetic Chain scan for Asymptomatic "Dense Points." Most people will notice an almost immediate "relief" when the Illio-sacral and Illio-lumbar ligaments are released. If you have not watched the Trigger Point Tool Introduction, please do so for basic use, strategy, and precautions.
Thera-Bo Exercise Tutorial - (Low Back/Sacral Pain)
The Thera-Bo Dynamic Stability Staff (DIY Kit included with Trigger Point Tool/Myofascial Repair Oil Combo) allows the easiest, fastest, and safest method to rehab full function in your back stability muscles. Once you release the fascia around Pain Points and Dense Points, it is essential to restore Dynamic Stability to prevent the weakness and lack of coordination that caused the issue in the first place.
Please watch the
Thera-Bo Staff Introduction,
for basic use, strategy, and precautions.
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